Innovations in Education and Technology 2023!

Theme: Innovations in Education and Technology 2023

Copyright and End-User License

The copyright of all published manuscripts in this conference proceedings remains with the author or authors (the manuscript ownership). However, permitted third parties can reuse manuscripts by following the open access rules as defined by the applicable Creative Commons (CC) end-user license, which an author or authors must accept upon submission of their research paper.
ICIET conference proceedings and manuscripts will be published under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This means that end users can freely share the research papers, for instance, copying and redistributing the learning material as deemed fit in any format or medium and adapting it to meet specific learning and teaching needs as long as proper acknowledgement and a link back to the source are given if any changes were made. The material may not be used for any commercial purpose. For more information, please refer to the Open Access and User Licenses.


All submissions are freely and immediately available online. Moreover, each submission carries its own persistent identifier (DOI) and is indexed by SSRN, owned by Elsevier, Google Scholar, Google, and other public search engines to ensure that ICIET proceedings can be easily found by the readers. Your papers will remain permanently on SSRN unless removed by the conference organiser or contributing authors. Where applicable, they will also be submitted to the Conference proceedings citation index – Science (CPCI-S).

Conference Key Dates

Refereed papers – Abstracts of 300 word or Accounts of Practice or Workshops – Outline of 150 words: 30th June 2023
Paper submission: 31st July 2023
Registration: 31st August 2023
Publication Fee: £175
Conference Dates: 28th & 29th September 2023


All abstracts submitted for this conference will be carefully assessed by the Scientific Committee. If the abstract is accepted for presentation, the author or authors will be asked to send a full paper including research findings, tables, figures, references, and relevant appendices to Innovations in Education and Technology. The submission format is(.docx or.doc) and submissions will be accepted via Electronic Submission Form. All manuscripts must meet approval standards by the Conference Committee and be subject to review

Submission Process

All abstracts submitted for this summit will be assessed by the Scientific Committee to establish the following aspects:

  • Relevancy
  • Originality
  • Accuracy
  • Technical matters
  • Research depth

To submit your paper, please proceed to the Online Submission Form. If within 24 hours you do not receive an email to confirm that your submission was received, contact the conference organisers via


PLEASE CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE GUIDELINES. Manuscript template (six to eight pages) / Extended abstract template (not more than two pages)

Code of Ethics and Malpractice Policy

ICIET adheres to the ethical standards specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), including the COPE Fundamental Practices and the Tenets of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. All plagiarism cases for this series will be treated in line with COPE rules. For conference proceedings, ICIET also follows the IEEE Conference Standards for ethics and quality control. We are committed to following ethical and strict anti-plagiarism policies for this conference. Detailed information on this conference’s ethics and quality control in proceedings publications can be found in the IEEE white paper. Submitted manuscripts will be assessed for originality using detection software

In person and online attendance is FREE.

What to Expect from this Conference!

  1. High-quality, seamless technology, glitch-free and a user-friendly platform, with intuitive navigation and easy-to-find information.
  2. Interactive and engaging content with elements like live Q&A sessions and networking opportunities, to keep attendees engage and create a sense of community. This will be done through live chat and interactive polls.
  3. Provision of relevant content and up-to-date information to meet your needs
  4. Break-out sessions to allow you choose topics that are most relevant to your interests.
  5. Flexibility, you can participate from anywhere, at any time. This event will be accessible on multiple devices and time zones.
  6. The summit is accessible to everyone, regardless of ability. The platform and content are accessible to people with disabilities, so that they can participate fully in the event.
  7. Networking opportunities is a key aspect of this event. You will have opportunities to network and connect with others, through networking rooms and private messaging.
  8. Dynamic speakers are engaged to captivate and educate the audience, while providing opportunities for them to interact with others.
  9. Valuable take aways will be empirical knowledge and connections, as well as online access to presentations and conference materials.
  10. The event is well-marketed and targeted at the right audience, using social media platforms, emails, and influencer partnerships, so that you feel valued and appreciated.
  11. Affordability, the event fee is very reasonable when compared to similar events in the past years.

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